Splendid Days Schedule
Each student who attends Splendid Days has a time card.  Please see the tuition and fees schedule for the fees for Splendid Days.
7:00 AM Open - Rug or Table Work
7:45 Rug or Table Work
8:20 Circle Time/Sharing Time
8:35 Children's Garden and Educare children leave for their classes
8:50 ABC Preschool children leave for their classes
9:00 Craft time/Shelf work time
9:30 Snack and Clean up
10:15 Ouside play or gym time
11:00 Some children come in from classes
11:30 Clean up and do circle before lunch
12:30 Wind Down Play Time
1.00 Rest time to story or music
1:30 Non-nappers: Hard Work Time
2.30 Wake up nappers and provide snack
3:30 Circle, story according to theme
4:00 Outside or gym
5:00 Snack
5:15 Free work
5:45 Clean up classroom
6:00 p.m. Close