Stewart Mathematics Curriculum

The Stewart Math Room houses the mathematics curriculum for students to explore after their first year until they graduate. It is a five year program that allows the students to learn all the Indiana Academic Standards required during those years, at a comfortable pace in a logical and meaningful way. Children are not limited by their age or grade level, and are exposed to even higher level Standards when appropriate to their ability.

When the children arrive, they are introduced to the process of independent study and how to maximize their time in the room. Each student has a log that follows them for five years to record their progress as they work through the materials on the shelves. A variety of Montessori and other activities are available for students to manipulate and discover how fun math can be, while they are learning necessary skills.

The work is hands-on and often self-checking, and teachers act as facilitators to ensure that children are staying on-task. The teachers also closely monitor the children so as to ensure that each child is exposed to all areas of math. Through individual interviews and paperwork, teachers assess whether a child has mastered each of the skill areas and determine if that child is ready to move on to another area.

As they become comfortable and adept at working independently, they are encouraged to work in every skill area, but also given the opportunity to pursue an interest beyond their years if they are motivated and ready.

Group exposure takes place as well, with small or large groups of children who are at similar levels. Teachers use a variety of resources to ensure that basic skills are introduced in a logical order, and students practice during both group time and independent study.

An emphasis is placed on critical thinking and learning higher level thinking skills. Problem solving and cooperative group work are required. Children have the opportunity to participate in Math Labs during class time throughout the year, which allows application of their newfound skills.

Our Math Bowl competitive team is frequently ranked in the top ten in the state, and in 2009 placed first in Bartholomew County, against all the private and public schools in our area.

At the end of the five year program, students often enter into high school level algebra in middle school.